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╯^╰ 关于穿校服的英语作文作文一:《关于穿校服的感想》900关于穿校服的感想现在同学强调共性,追求与众不同,自我意识较浓,爱“酷”,许多同学喜爱穿名牌衣服,喜爱到...校服英语作文 篇一 Many high schools, both public and private, require students to wear uniforms. I think that such a policy is an excellent idea bec...

of having school uniformsome people think that students should wear school uniform.because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psych...【考研英语作文】朱伟-考研写作套路终极总结 无理涛涛2017· 2019-8-28 891517 25:07 二战上岸,考研英语作文25加,政治主观题上海地区37加我是怎么做的。 Stella居居有学上了· 2021-4-1 ...

校服英语作文 篇1 近段时间,社会上对学校是否应该强制学生穿校服展开了激烈的讨论,褒贬不一.于是本期《城市镜报》在学校中广泛征稿,希望听到来自学生的心声.请你就征稿要求进...关于”穿校服优点“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages of weang school uniform。以下是关于穿校服优点专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。 高分英语...

穿校服利: creates a feeling of belonging to a team promote a sense of unity and equality among students make it easy to identify students enhance safety 穿校服弊: limi...穿校服的利弊初二英语作文三篇(带翻译) The First Paper:The majority of high schools in China have a rule that students must wear school uniforms every workday.As th...

穿校服的利弊英语作文 篇1 Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it ...穿校服的利弊英语作文 篇1 About to wear uniforms, have been two quite different opinions. One is that wear school uniform drab, inflexible, reflect personality. While the...